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- The Cost Per Mile will be run for miles, kilometers or hours de-
- pending upon the defaults and how you are tracking the vehicle.
- (Cost Per Mile can also be Cost Per Kilometer or Cost Per Hour).
- The CPM uses the selected vehicle's start-date as the default FROM
- date and the vehicle's last Fuel Log date as the default TO date.
- The first and last odometers are used as defaults for calculating
- total miles.
- You can change either date or both of them to run a cost analysis
- for any period of time. If a date is changed, the default odometer
- will automatically change. If the date matches a date in the Fuel
- Log, then the corresponding odometer will become the default. If
- the date is not found, then either the next odometer will be used
- (FROM) or the previous odometer will be used (TO).
- The default odometers will change to 0 if the dates are the same
- (unless there 2 or more entries with the same date) or if the dates
- are invalid (FROM greater than TO). You will not get CPM totals if
- the dates are the same and there is only 1 entry for that date,
- however you will get total costs for that day.
- The CPM breaks out all costs into categories, for example, TIRES,
- INSURANCE, etc. These costs are divided by the total number of
- miles to give CPM amounts. These amounts are shown with three
- positions to the right of the decimal point. (0.075 is equal to 7½
- cents.) Because of rounding, the subtotals and final total may be
- slightly different from the sum of the individual totals.
- CPM reports can be created for any period of time.
- The default values assume that you want to list all payments and
- costs beginning with the start-date through the last Fuel Log
- entry.
- Printing to a file will place this report into a file named CPM.TXT
- which will be created in the Program Directory (VRS90). This option
- will allow you to import this report into a word processing or a
- spreadsheet program if those programs support ASCII files.
- EXAMPLE: You want to create a report showing all costs for 1989. To
- do this, change FROM date to 01/01/1989 and the TO date to
- 12/31/1989. Press the PgDn key.
- If you plan on running the CPM for a vehicle on a regular basis
- (monthly, quarterly, etc.) you can change the odometer values to
- more accurately reflect the actual miles driven during that period
- of time. For example, assume that you have the following entries in
- the Fuel Log:
- ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
- 04-22-88 5593.9 If you want to run the CPM for May, change the
- 05-04-88 5852.0 dates to 05-01-88 and 05-31-88. The odometers
- 05-11-88 5993.4 will change to 5852.0 and 6210.5. Change them
- 05-22-88 6148.0 to 5800.0 and 6300.0 (estimation). Change the
- 05-26-88 6210.5 FROM odometer to 6300.0 for the June report.
- 06-02-88 6340.2
- NOTE: Changing the odometers may not be very practical if you
- are tracking several vehicles, but you do have the option
- of doing so if you choose.
- The Cost Per Mile report breaks out all costs into categories, for
- example, Insurance, Tires, etc. When you enter costs for items that
- were purchased with the aid of a loan, you can tell the VRS where
- you want to put these costs. You do this by using a combination of
- Loan Codes and Toggles.
- NOTE: The total costs for each category may or may not be the same
- as the totals for each individual log report. Loan codes and
- CPM toggles may transfer costs into other CPM categories.
- ═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
- VEHICLE PURCHASE LOAN - If you paid cash for the vehicle then you
- will not need to create a loan record, however, you will want
- to set the Include toggle to include the purchase price in the
- Identification/Registration log. If you purchased the vehicle
- with a loan, you will still enter the purchase price in the
- Identification/Registration but you can wait until the loan is
- paid before including the price in the ID/REG category of the
- CPM report.
- ╔════════════╤════════════╗ ╔═════════════════════════╗
- ║ ID/REG │ LOAN/LEASE ║ ║ Costs are added into ║
- ╟────────────┴────────────╢ »» ║ these CPM Categories ║
- ║ By setting the Include ║ ╟────────────┬────────────╢
- ║ toggle to these values ║ ║ ID/REG │ LOAN/LEASE ║
- ╚═════════════════════════╝ ╚════════════╧════════════╝
- ┌────────────┬────────────┐ ┌────────────┬────────────┐
- │ EXCLUDE │ INCLUDE │ │ │ │
- A │ Purchase │ Payments │ »» │ │ Payments │
- │ Price │ │ │ │ │
- └────────────┴────────────┘ └────────────┴────────────┘
- OR
- ┌────────────┬────────────┐ ┌────────────┬────────────┐
- │ INCLUDE │ INCLUDE │ │ │ │
- B │ Purchase │ Finance │ »» │ Purchase │ Finance │
- │ Price │ Charge │ │ Price │ Charge │
- └────────────┴────────────┘ └────────────┴────────────┘
- Selecting the A combinations will give you a more accurate
- cost breakout per time period. When the loan has been paid
- off, you can switch to the B combination if you wish. The
- category totals will be different, but the total amount will
- be the same since payments should equal the purchase price
- plus the finance charge.
- ═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
- OTHER LOANS - Use the Loan Codes for items you log in the Maint/
- Access/Misc-Log, the Tires Log and the Insurance Log. Items
- purchased with a loan will still show in the totals for the
- individual logs reports.
- ╔════════════╤════════════╗ ╔═════════════════════════╗
- ║ M-T-I LOGS │ LOAN/LEASE ║ ║ Costs are added into ║
- ╟────────────┼────────────╢ »» ║ these CPM Categories ║
- ║ By setting │ and the ║ ╟────────────┬────────────╢
- ║Loan Code to│ Include to ║ ║ M-T-I LOGS │ LOAN/LEASE ║
- ╚════════════╧════════════╝ ╚════════════╧════════════╝
- ┌────────────┬────────────┐ ┌────────────┬────────────┐
- A │ L │ Payments │ »» │ │ Payments │
- └────────────┴────────────┘ └────────────┴────────────┘
- OR
- ┌────────────┬────────────┐ ┌────────────┬────────────┐
- B │ Y │ Finance │ »» │ cost of │ Finance │
- │ │ Charge │ │ the item │ Charge │
- └────────────┴────────────┘ └────────────┴────────────┘
- Example: You take out a loan for new tires and are logging
- the payments in the Loan/Lease Log. By using the A combin-
- ation, the CPM report will reflect the actual amount you
- paid during a period of time and not the total cost of the
- tires.
- When the loan has been paid off, you can change the L codes
- to Y and change the Loan/Lease to include the Finance Charge.
- Now when you run the CPM report, the amount borrowed will be
- added into the Tires category and the Finance Charge will be
- added into the Loan/Lease cagegory.
- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * END * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- be
- added into the Loan/Lease cagegory.
- * * * * * *